
Accurate DNA Testing - Legal Vs Non-Legal DNA Tests

Accurate DNA Testing - Legal Vs Non-Legal DNA Tests

Many companies these days are offering something called Informational DNA Testing. The results from this will be no less accurate than the tests that are valid in court (legal DNA testing), but it is still important to understand how each of these work.
  • Non-legal DNA Tests (Informational):
A non-legal test, as you can probably guess, is not meant to serve as a legally binding one.  This type of DNA procedure is also known as an informational test because it is only meant to provide you, and those around you, with the results.
For example, if you figure out who your child's father was, solely for your own benefit, then an informational DNA paternity test would be the one to choose. However, if you needed to know who your child's father was for other reasons, such as child support, visitation rights, etc., then you would definitely need a legally binding procedure (read more about this below).
An important thing to note about informational testing is that this type of test is non-accredited, which is the sole reason that it is not a legally binding one. Accredited DNA laboratories must undergo a rigorous inspection process to ensure that their laboratory and procedures provide clients with accurate test results.
Legal testing is far more common, mainly because it can help to determine paternity while also being admissible in courts.  In order to qualify as a legally binding test, the lab must be accredited by the AABB. This ensures that each procedure is accurate as well as thorough. According to the AABB, in order for a test to qualify as accredited and legal, the DNA sample must be collected with a neutral witness present who has no interest whatsoever in the results of the test.
As mentioned earlier, legally binding tests are vital in court cases and other civil matters. This type of testing goes a step beyond informational testing because it is collected in a different manner and it must be provided by an accredited DNA paternity testing laboratory to ensure thoroughness and accuracy.

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