
Raynaud's Syndrome and Excessive Vibration

Raynaud's Syndrome and Excessive Vibration

Raynaud's syndrome is peripheral vascular disorder that typically impacts the hands. Raynaud's syndrome, also referred to as Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's phenomenon, can be caused by exposure to cold, an emotional response, or also an exposure to repeated vibrations, like those felt when operating a jackhammer. Workers who often use this type of machinery in their employment are frequently affected by this disease.
Raynaud's syndrome causes the arteries in the hands to spasm and results in the discoloration of the hands. The hands might also turn blue if significant amounts of blood are trapped and deoxygenated in the arteries. This syndrome can also damage the nerves in the affected tissue, so that some sensation is lost in the hands, limiting their full function.
Constant exposure to vibrations when using a jackhammer or power sander puts a frequent user at risk for developing this disorder. This can be detrimental to their continued ability to use these objects. For those whose employment involves that ability to handle this type of machinery, this disease can be very detrimental. It is crucial that if you see the development of this disease and think it may be related to the nature of your employment, seek proper treatment.
Vasodilators can be prescribed to reduce the symptoms of this disease. These medications work by relaxing and widening the blood vessels in order to reduce the spasms that cause discoloration and loss of sensation. This type of medication can significantly protect the health of the tissues in your hand.
If you have been affected by Raynaud's syndrome and feel that the conditions of your employment have caused this situation, you may have legal options for being compensated. Please visit the website of the Green Bay construction accidents lawyers at Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C..

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